Tuesday, December 15, 2020

You are studying frantically for an accounting exam tomorrow. You are having difficulty in this course, and the grade you make on this exam

 You are studying frantically for an accounting exam tomorrow. You are having difficulty in this course, and the grade you make on this exam can make the difference between receiving a final grade of B or C. If you receive a C, it will lower your grade point average to the point that you could lose your academic scholarship. An hour ago, a friend, also enrolled in the course but in a different section under the same professor, called you with some unexpected news. In her sorority test files, she has just found a copy of an old exam from the previous year. In looking at the exam, it appears to contain questions that come right from the class notes you have taken, even the very same numbers. She offers to make a copy for you and bring it over. You glance at your course syllabus and find the following: "You are expected to do your own work in this class. Although you may study with others, giving, receiving, or obtaining information pertaining to an examination is considered an act of academic dishonesty, unless such action is authorized by the instructor giving the examination. Also, divulging the contents of an essay or objective examination designated by the instructor as an examination is considered an act of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is considered a violation of the student honor code and will subject the student to disciplinary procedures, which can include suspension from the university." Although you have heard a rumor that fraternities and sororities have cleared their exam files with professors, you are not sure. 


1. What is the ethical issue in this situation? 

2. Who are the stakeholders? What are the possible consequences to each? 

3. Analyze the alternatives from the following standpoints: (a) economic, (b) legal, and (c) ethical. 

4. What would you do? How would you justify your decision? How would your decision make you feel afterward? 

5. How is this similar to a business situation? 

Evaluation of ethical decisions  

Ethical decisions are those decisions that are morally correct and involve making decisions which are just and lawful.

1. Ethical issue in the given situation
The student has to decide whether accepting the copy of the question paper from his friend is ethically correct.

2. Stakeholders 
The stakeholders are those who will be affected by the decision. In the given situation the stakeholders are the student, the friend, and the professor.
If the student decides to accept the copy of exam questions he will score well in the exam but if the professor comes to know that the question paper was already seen by the student then he might have to face disciplinary action
The friend who helps the student will also have to face disciplinary action if the college comes to know about the copying of the question paper
The professor will be held as being responsible for being careless in leaving the copy of questions among the other test papers.

3. Economical, legal and ethical standpoints 
The economical factor which affects the decision is if the indiscipline comes to light then the student and his friend can face disciplinary action
An ethical factor that affects the decision is that even if the student gains economically by using the copy of the question paper to study for the exam, he has to decide if this action is morally correct.

4. Decision
It is better not to take the copy of the question paper from the friend as this might be considered as an act that is not academically honest and will result in disciplinary action. The decision might require extra effort to be put in preparation but it will give moral satisfaction.

5. Similarity to business situations

The situation is similar to a business decision as business decision-makers have to make decisions that also involves the following considerations:
• Whether the decision is morally correct and honest. 
• The consequences which are economic, legal, and ethical affect the decision. 
• How the decision will affect the stakeholders

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