Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Castle Leasing Corporation, which uses IFRS, signs a lease agreement on January 1, 2011, to lease electronic equipment to Wai Corporation

Castle Leasing Corporation, which uses IFRS, signs a lease agreement on January 1, 2011, to lease electronic equipment to Wai Corporation, which also uses IFRS. The term of the non-cancellable lease is two years and payments are required at the end of each year. The following information relates to this agreement.
1. Wai Corporation has the option to purchase the equipment for $13,000 upon the termination of the lease.
2. The equipment has a cost and fair value of $135,000 to Castle Leasing Corporation. The useful economic life is two years, with a residual value of $13,000.
3. Wai Corporation is required to pay $5,000 each year to the lessor for executory costs.
4. Castle Leasing Corporation wants to earn a return of 10% on its investment.
5. Collectibility of the payments is reasonably predictable, and there are no important uncertainties surrounding the costs that have not yet been incurred by the lessor.

(a) Using time value of money tables, a financial calculator, or computer spreadsheet functions, calculate the lease payment that Castle Leasing would require from Wai Corporation.
(b) What classification will Wai Corporation give to the lease? What classification will be given to the lease by Castle Leasing Corporation?
(c) What classification would be adopted by Wai Corporation and Castle Leasing Corporation had they both been using private enterprise GAAP?
(d) Prepare a lease amortization table for Castle Leasing for the term of the lease.
(e) Prepare the journal entries on Castle Leasing’s books to reflect the payments received under the lease and to recognize income for the years 2011 and 2012.
(f) Assuming that Wai Corporation exercises its option to purchase the equipment on December 31, 2012, prepare the journal entry to reflect the sale on Castle Leasing’s books.
(g) What amount would Wai Corporation capitalize and recognize as a liability on signing the lease? Explain.

(a)  Calculation of annual payments
Cost (fair market value) of leased asset
   to lessor                                  $135,000.00
Less:  Present value of residual value
      $13,000 X .82645
      (Present value of 1 at 10% for 2 periods) (10,743.85    )
Amount to be recovered through lease payments $124,256.15

Two periodic lease payments
           $124,256.15 ÷ 1.73554*              $71,595.09

*Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 for 2 periods at 10%

Excel formula =PMT(rate,nper,pv,fv,type)

Using a financial calculator:

 $  (135,000)



 $ ?  
Yields $71,595.24
 $ 13,000


Calculation of lease payments receivable
Annual payments ($71,595.09 X 2)              $143,190.18
Residual value                                  13,000.00
Lease payments receivable                     $156,190.18

Calculation of unearned interest income
Gross investment by lessee                    $156,190.18
Asset cost (fair value)                       135,000.00
Unearned interest income                      $21,190.18

 (b)      Castle Leasing Corporation should classify the lease as a finance lease because it is not a manufacturer or dealer.  The capitalization of the lease will also be done by Wai Corporation, the lessee which will treat the lease as a finance lease.
    The IFRS criteria use qualitative factors to establish whether or not the risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the lessee, and supports classification as a finance lease:
1.  There is reasonable assurance that the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased property by the end of the lease term. If there is a bargain purchase option in the lease, it is assumed that the lessee will exercise it and obtain ownership of the asset.
2.  The lease term is long enough that the lessee will receive substantially all of the economic benefits that are expected to be derived from using the leased property over its life.
3.  The lease allows the lessor to recover substantially all of its investment in the leased property and to earn a return on the investment. Evidence of this is provided if the present value of the minimum lease payments is close to the fair value of the leased asset.
4.  The leased assets are so specialized that, without major modification, they are of use only to the lessee.

(c) For PE GAAP, rather than using qualitative factors described under part (b) above for IFRS, quantitative criteria such as:
1. the term of the lease exceeding 75% of the remaining economic life of the asset,
2. the present value of the minimum lease payments exceeding 90% of the fair value of the asset, or
3. the presence of a bargain purchase option
will be applied as the basis for the classification of the lease as a direct financing lease for Wai Corporation.

    For Castle Leasing, the lessor,   the lease would receive the same treatment as under IFRS, as long as the two revenue recognition-based tests concerning collectability and estimating unreimbursable are passed.

Lease Amortization Schedule

Annual Pmt.
Excl. Exec. Costs
on Net




*  7,690.18*

*Difference of $.31 due to rounding.

1/1/11    Lease Payments Receivable... 156,190.18
             Equipment Purchased
                 for Lease...........           135,000.00
             Unearned Interest
               Income—Leases..........           21,190.18

12/31/11  Cash ($71,595.09 + $5,000).. 76,595.09
             Executory Costs
               Payable/Expense........             5,000.00
             Lease Payments
               Receivable.............           71,595.09

          Unearned Interest Income—
            Leases.................... 13,500.00
             Interest Income—
               Leases.................           13,500.00

12/31/12  Cash........................ 76,595.09
             Executory Costs
               Payable/Expense........             5,000.00
             Lease Payments
               Receivable.............           71,595.09

          Unearned Interest Income—
            Leases....................   7,690.18
             Interest Income—
               Leases.................             7,690.18

(f) 12/31/11  Cash.................... 13,000.00
                  Lease Payments
                    Receivable........           13,000.00

(g) Upon signing the lease, Wai Corporation should capitalize the present value of the minimum lease payments in the amount of $71,595.09 excluding the present value of the option to purchase the equipment for $13,000.  This will yield an amount of $124,256.15 as calculated in part (a). The lessee excludes this last payment, as it is not a guaranteed payment by the lessee, Wai to the lessor, Castle Leasing.  Correspondingly the lease obligation should be recorded at $124,256.15.

Using a financial calculator:
 $  ?  
 Yields $ 124,255.94


 $ 71,595.09

 $   0  


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