Thursday, July 28, 2016

You are the auditor of Beaton and Gunter Inc., the Canadian subsidiary of a multinational engineering company

You are the auditor of Beaton and Gunter Inc., the Canadian subsidiary of a multinational engineering company that offers a defined benefit pension plan to its eligible employees. Employees are permitted to join the plan after two years of employment, and benefits vest two years after joining the plan. You have received the following information from the fund trustee for the year ended December 31, 2011:
Discount rate …………………………………………………….    5%
Expected long-term rate of return on plan assets ………………..    6.5%
Rate of compensation increase ………………………………….    3.5%
Accrued Benefit Obligation
Accrued benefit obligation at Jan. 1, 2011 ……………………$11,375,000
Current service cost ………………………………………………..425,000
Interest cost ………………………………………………………..568,750
Benefits paid ………………………………………………………756,250
Actuarial loss for the period………………………………………..631,250
Plan Assets
Market value of plan assets at Jan. 1, 2011………………………9,062,500
Actual return on plan assets, net of expenses……………………1,125,000
Employer contributions……………………………………………493,750
Employee contributions…………………………………………….81,250
Benefits paid………………………………………………………756,250
Other relevant information:
1. The accrued pension liability on January 1, 2011, is $1,601,875.
2. There is an unrecognized past service cost of $1,991,875 on January 1, 2011.
3. There is an unrecognized net actuarial gain of $1,281,250 on January 1, 2011.
4. Employee contributions to the plan are withheld as payroll deductions, and are remitted to the pension trustee along with the employer contributions.
5. The average vesting period for all employees whose pension has not vested is 20 years.
6. The EARSL is 20 years.

(a) Prepare a pension work sheet for the company.
(b) Prepare the employer’s journal entries to reflect the accounting for the pension plan for the year ended December 31, 2011.
(c) Prepare a schedule reconciling the plan’s funded status with the pension amounts reported on the December 31, 2011 balance sheet.
(d) Assume that interest rates are falling. Explain what effect this is likely to have on the funded status of the plan.
(e) Discuss any options available to Beaton and Gunter Inc. in accounting for the actuarial gains or losses.

(a) The pension work sheet for Beaton and Gunter Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2011 is presented on the following page. It is assumed that the company is following IFRS because it is a subsidiary of a multinational company that is likely a public company.

(b) The journal entries required to reflect the accounting for Beaton and Gunter Inc.’s pension plan for the year ended December 31, 2011, are as follows:

    Pension Expense........................ 415,843
        Accrued Pension Asset/Liability....         415,843

    Accrued Pension Asset/Liability*....... 493,750
    Employee Pension Contributions Payable*   81,250
        Cash...............................         575,000   

      * When the payroll deductions were made, the company paid out a lower amount of cash to the employees as it withheld the amounts for the employee contributions to the pension plan. It is assumed that the payroll entry, therefore, resulted in a previous net debit to Cash of $81,250 and a credit to Employee Pension Contributions Payable of $81,250.

(c)        Pension Reconciliation Schedule—2011

    Accrued benefit obligation                $(12,243,750)
    Plan assets at fair value                  10,006,250
    Accrued benefit obligation in excess of plan
       assets (funded status)                  (2,237,500)
    Unrecognized past service cost            (1,892,281
    Unrecognized net (gain) or loss             (1,178,749)   
    Accrued pension liability                 $(1,523,968)

(d) If interest rates in the economy are falling this will translate to a lower discount rate being used to calculate the ABO. This will increase the ABO and therefore also increase the amount by which the pension fund is underfunded.

(e) The Company can elect to recognize more than the corridor amount of amortization, as long as the approach is used consistently and is rational. The company may also recognize 100% of the actuarial gains and losses as they are incurred.  If this alternative is selected, the company has the choice of recognizing the actuarial gains or losses as a determinant of OCI.

                                      Beaton and Gunter Inc.
                                      Pension Work Sheet—2011

General Journal Entries

Memo Record




Accrued Pension


Past Service
Unreco-gnized Net Gain
or Loss


Balance, Jan. 1, 2011
(a) Service cost
(b) Interest cost
(c) Expected return
(d) Amortization of PSC
(e) Amort. of act. gain
(f) Funding
(g) Employee contr.
(h) Benefits
(i) Act. gain on assets
(j) Liability loss
Expense entry, 12/31/11
Funding entry
Balance, Dec. 31, 2011

  425,000 Dr.
  568,750 Dr.
  589,063 Cr.
  99,594 Dr.
    7,188 Cr.

81,250 Cr.

  415,843 Dr.

575,000 Cr.
81,250 Dr.

00,000 Dr.

493,750 Cr.

 1,601,875 Cr.

  415,843 Cr.
  493,750 Dr.
1,523,968 Cr.

  11,375,000 Cr.
     425,000 Cr.
     568,750 Cr.

   756,250 Dr.
     631,250 Cr.
0 Cr.

   12,243,750 Cr.
  9,062,500 Dr.

   589,063 Dr.

   575,000 Dr.

  756,250 Cr.
     535,937 Dr.

 10,006,250 Dr.
 1,991,875 Dr.

   99,594 Cr.


 1,892,281 Dr.
1,281,250 Cr.

     7,188 Dr.

   535,937 Cr.
631,250 Dr.

1,178,749 Cr.

(c) $9,062,500 X 6.5% = $589,063
(d) $1,991,875 / 20 years = $99,594


1/1 ABO

1/1 Plan Assets (Market)


Unrecognized Net Loss, 1/1

Min.Amort. of
Loss for 2011






*$1,281,250 – $1,137,500 = $143,750; $143,750 ÷ 20 = $7,188.
(f) $493,750 + $81,250 = $575,000
(i) $1,125,000 – $589,063 = $535,937

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