Saturday, August 6, 2016

Riley Inc. reports the following pre-tax incomes (losses) for both financial reporting purposes and tax purposes:

Riley Inc. reports the following pre-tax incomes (losses) for both financial reporting purposes and tax purposes:
Year    Accounting Income (Loss)  Tax Rate
2009      $120,000                  34%
2010       90,000                   34%
2011      (280,000)                 38%
2012       220,000                  38%

The tax rates listed were all enacted by the beginning of 2009. Riley reports under the PE GAAP future income taxes method.

(a) Prepare the journal entries for each of the years 2009 to 2012 to record income taxes, assuming the tax loss is first carried back, and that at the end of 2011, the loss carryforward benefits are judged more likely than not to be realized in the future.
(b) Using the assumption as in (a), prepare the income tax section of the 2011 and 2012 income statements, beginning with the line “Income (loss) before income taxes.”
(c) Prepare the journal entries for 2011 and 2012, assuming that it is more likely than not that 25% of the carryforward benefits will not be realized. A valuation allowance is not used by this company.
(d) Using the assumption in (c), prepare the income tax section of the 2011 and 2012 income statements, beginning with the line “Income (loss) before income taxes.”

(a)                        2009
    Current Income Tax Expense........... 40,800
        Income Tax Payable ($120,000 X 34%)                   40,800

    Current Income Tax Expense........... 30,600
        Income Tax Payable ($90,000 X 34%)                  30,600

The 2011 loss of $280,000 is carried back, $120,000 to 2009 and $90,000 to 2010, leaving $70,000 to carryforward.

    Income Tax Refund Receivable......... 71,400
        Current Income Tax Benefit
                (Due to Loss Carryback)..           71,400 **
    Future Income Tax Asset.............. 26,600
        Future Income Tax Benefit
             (Due to Loss Carryforward)..           26,600 **

**[34% X $120,000] + [34% X $90,000] = $71,400
**38% X ($280,000 – $120,000 – $90,000) = $26,600

    Current Income Tax Expense........... 57,000
        Income Tax Payable...............          57,000 **
    *[($220,000 – $70,000) X 38%]

    Future Income Tax Expense............ 26,600
        Future Income Tax Asset..........          26,600
    ($0 – $26,600)

 (b)                         2011
Operating loss before income taxes             $(280,000 )   
Income tax benefit
   Current benefit due to loss carryback $71,400        
   Future benefit due to loss carryforward 26,600 (   98,000 
Net loss                                       $(182,000 )   

Operating income before income taxes            $220,000
Income taxes
    Current income tax expense          $57,000         
    Future income tax expense           26,600   83,600
Net income                                      $136,400

(c)                          2011
    Income Tax Refund Receivable......... 71,400
        Current Income Tax Benefit
                (Due to Loss Carryback)..          71,400 **
    Future Income Tax Asset.............. 19,950
        Future Income Tax Benefit
             (Due to Loss Carryforward)..          19,950 **

**[34% X $120,000] + [34% X $90,000] = $71,400
**38% X ($280,000 – $120,000 – $90,000) =
   $26,600 X 75% = $19,950

    Current Income Tax Expense............ 57,000
        Income Tax Payable................         57,000
        [($220,000 – $70,000) X 38%]
    Future Income Tax Expense............. 19,950
        Future Income Tax Asset...........         19,950
        ($0 – $19,950)

 (d)                                       2011
Operating loss before income taxes              $(280,000 )
Income tax benefit
   Current benefit due to loss carryback $71,400         
   Future benefit due to loss carryforward 19,950 91,350
Net loss                                        $(188,650 )

Operating income before income taxes             $220,000
Income taxes
    Current income tax expense           $57,000         
    Future income tax expense            19,950    76,950   
Net income                                       $143,050

Note:  For tax planning purposes, if the corporation anticipates profitable years ahead, it may not carry back its losses in order to take advantage of the higher rates for 2012 and beyond. The loss carryback is optional.

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