Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A cash register tape reflected total sales equaling $100, but the cash In the cash register drawer equaled $105.

The bank reconciliation of XYZ Co. is provided below.
Demonstrate the entries needed to update the cash
account in the general Jedger by selecting the correct
answers belo\v
Bank Reconciliation
Bank statement balance $2.01< Book Balance
Add: Denn.cit in transit 600 Add: Note Receivable collected "" ben
Less: Outstanding 370 Less: Bank service charges

Debit cash $600 and credit Revenues $600.
Debit Bank Service Charge Expense $60 and credit Cash $60.
Debit cash $100 and Credit Note Receivable $100.
Debit Miscellaneous Expense $370 and credit cash $370.
Debit Note Receivable $100 and credit cash $ 100.

A cash register tape reflected total sales equaling $100, but the cash In the cash register drawer equaled
$105. Review the statements below and determine which Is correct regarding this discrepancy. (Check
all that apply.)

The cash Over and Short account will be credited for $5.
The Sales account will be credited for $105.
The cash Over and Short account will be debited for $5.
The Sales account will be credited for $100.
The extra $5 collected will be treated as a miscellaneous revenue.
The cash account will be debited for $105. 

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