Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Morales Company recorded the following selected transactions during November 2013.

Morales Company recorded the following selected transactions during November 2013.
Date General Journal Debit Credit
Nov. 5 Accounts Receivable- Ski Shop 4,670
Sales 4,670
10 Accounts Receivable- Welcome Enterprises 2,435
Sales 2,435
13 Accounts Receivable- Zia Natara 1,428
Sales 1,428
21 Sales Returns and Allowances 368
Accounts Receivable- Zia Natara 368
30 Accounts Receivable- Ski Shop 5,076
Sales 5,076

 Prepare a general ledger having T-accounts for Accounts Receivable, Sales, and Sales Returns
and Allowances. Also open an accounts receivable subsidiary ledger having a T-account for each
customer. Post these entries to both the general ledger and the accounts receivable ledger.

2. Prepare a schedule of accounts receivable.

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